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3.11A System Testing

3.11A System Testing

Following are some of the important testing for SDLC:

Unit Testing

  • Unit tests include tests of each separate program or module.

  • Testing is generally conducted by developers themselves. It is conducted as and when a program or module is ready and it does not require to wait until completion of the total system.

  • Unit testing is done through a white box approach wherein internal program logics are tested.

Integrated Testing

  • Integrated test includes integration or connection between two or more system components.

  • Purpose of the integration test is to validate accurate and correct information flow between the systems.

System Testing

  • System testing tests the complete and full system capabilities.

  • It covers end to end system specifications.

  • It covers functionality test, recoverability test, security test, load test, volume test, stress test and performance test.

Final Acceptance Testing

  • Final acceptance test consists of two tests i.e. QAT (quality assurance test) and UAT (user acceptance test)

Regression Testing

  • Meaning of regression is to return to an earlier stage.

  • Objective of a regression test is to confirm that a recent change has not introduced any new faults and other existing features are working correctly.

  • It must be ensured that the same data (which was used in earlier tests) should be used for the regression test. This will help to confirm that there are no new errors or malfunctioning.

Sociability Testing

  • Sociability means the quality of being able to merge with others.

  • Objective of the sociability test is to ensure that the new system works as expected in existing infrastructure without any adverse impact on other existing systems. the application works as expected in the specified environment where other applications run concurrently.

Pilot Testing

  • A pilot test is a small-scale preliminary study to understand and evaluate system functionality and other aspects.

  • Pilot test is conducted for only few units or few locations to evaluate the feasibility.

  • Objective of the pilot test is to determine the feasibility of the new system before full fledged implementation.

Parallel Testing

  • Parallel test involves the testing of a new system and comparing the results of a new system with that of an old system.

  • Objective of parallel testing is to ensure that the new system meets the requirements of the user.

White Box & Black Box Testing

White Box Testing

  • In white box testing, program logic is verified.

  • For conduct of white box testing, appropriate knowledge of programming language is a must.

  • White box testing is generally conducted for unit testing

Black Box Testing

  • In black box testing, emphasis is on functionality of the system.

  • For conduct of black box testing, knowledge of programming language is not mandatory.

  • Black box testing is generally conducted for user acceptance test and interface testing.

Alpha & Beta Testing

Alpha Testing

  • Alpha testing is conducted by internal user

  • Alpha test is conducted before beta test

  • Alpha test may or may not include full functionality test

Beta Testing

  • Beta test is conducted by external user

  • Beta test is conducted after alpha test

  • Beta test is generally conducted for full functionality

Key aspects from CRISC exam perspective

Below table covers important aspect from CRISC exam perspective:

CRISC Questions 

Possible Answer 

In which test, testing of architectural design is conducted?

Integration testing

In which test, testing for linked and connected modules is conducted?

Integration Testing

Failure of which test has the greatest impact?

Acceptance Testing

Which test is required to determine the ability of a new system to operate in the existing environment without any adverse impact on other systems?

Sociability Testing

Self-Assessment Questions

Practice Questions - 3.11A System Testing

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